This page helps you add or edit Lollipop in-cell charts in your report.

This dialog is used add or edit Lollipop in-cell charts in your report. 

Add or edit chart

For details about how to invoke the dialog, review In-Cell Chart Designer.

Different chart options:

LengthThe horizontal scale factor to use when drawing the chart.
Bar ColorThe color to draw the bar for positive values.
Pop ColorThe color to draw the Pop of the Lollipop for positive values.
Negative Bar ColorThe color to draw the bar for negative values.
Negative Pop ColorThe color to draw the Pop of the Lollipop for negative values.
Reference ValuesThis gives you the option to define a reference value for the chart (displayed as a vertical bar) and select the color for the bar.

The available Axis options:

Customize axisAllows you to select further options defining how the formula cell (for In-Cell Chart formulas), or the member name (when used in Grids) is rendered.
Use title onlyUses the given text as a caption.
Axis with tickmarks aboveDraws a horizontal axis, with tickmarks and optional labels above the axis.
Axis with tickmarks belowDraws a horizontal axis, with tickmarks and optional labels below the axis.
Custom tickmark frequencyOverrides the automatic calculation of major tickmarks.
Minor ticks per major tickAdds the given number of minor (labelless) tickmarks between each major tickmark.
Show labels on major ticksSpecifies whether numeric labels should be rendered for the axis.
Number formatThe format string to be used for the axis labels.
Custom axis minimumOverrides the automatic minimum for the axis.
Custom axis maximumOverrides the automatic maximum for the axis.