Learn about new Anaplan features and enhancements introduced in February 2025.
User Experience
Column width settings: set overrides
Last year, we made it possible for page builders to set custom column widths in grids and tables. Now, page builders can set specific overrides for summaries or for individual line items. You can apply overrides to Time, Lists, and Line Items in columns.

Absolute sizing in Scatter and Bubble charts
You can switch on the Size toggle in the Chart Data section of a Scatter and Bubble chart to size each data point based on a Z-Axis value. By default, the data points are sized relative to each other to compare between each point. You can now select Allow absolute sizing under the Series > Z-Axis section for more accurate scaling.

Learn more in Scatter and Bubble Chart.
Context in email notifications
You can now opt to include context labels in emails that are sent to your task assignees and approvers. This is especially useful for users who approve tasks across multiple products, cost centers, regions, or even for user-triggered workflows where tasks and approvals are tied to specific list items.
This is a tenant-level notification setting and you can configure it in Administration > Notifications > Email, mobile and Slack > Workflow, where you can toggle it on or off.
As the content in the email is technically model data, the option is off by default.
Workflow on Mobile
Create offline tasks
As an enhancement to page and group tasks, mobile users can now create offline tasks. Unlike page and group tasks, offline tasks aren't linked to any page.
To create offline tasks on the Anaplan mobile app, tap , then select the offline task option: give it a title, write instructions, set an assignee(s), a due date, and any task approvers. Then tap Create Task.
The assignee receives a notification of the pending task, and can complete it on either Mobile or Web, as usual.
Anaplan Data Orchestrator
Create a transformation view directly from a source dataset
On the source dataset inventory page, a transformation view of the source dataset can be created from the inventory item options on the right. Select the ellipsis, then Create a transformation view.
Data lineage map
- Sort objects into swim lanes for sources, connections, data extracts, transformation views, links to model objects, and models to provide a more organized display when many objects are present.
- Groups of objects can be collapsed and expanded to enable the map to focus on types of flows at different levels.
- A source/target view is available as a tab. This auto-filters datasets (both source datasets and those derived using transformation views) to provide a view focused on data sources and which models they target.
Syncing a dataset from a module
We've improved performance and scalability when extracting data from a model module. The dataflow rate is now over 500,000 cells per second at higher volumes (13 million cells in 22.7 seconds), and the extract is performed in chunks to make it more scalable. At lower volumes, this can be as low as 800 cells per second (10,000 cells in 12.46 seconds).
S3 and Azure Blob legacy connectors
We've removed the ability to create new connections using the S3 and Azure Blob legacy connectors. Existing connections and any associated source data extracts will continue to be valid.
Anaplan Disclosure Management
Sub-folder administrators
Assignment of folders to document administrators and to data source administrators is no longer limited to the top-level folders. It's also available to folders of lower levels (sub-folders). Permissions aren't inherited, so an administrator of a folder isn't automatically the administrator of the sub-folders. The assignments must be applied explicitly to all desired folders and sub-folders.
The new assignment screen can be accessed from the ellipsis or by right-clicking on the selected folder and selecting Security.

Change of data source status by folder
You can now change the workflow status of all data sources within a selected folder at once. These actions can be accessed from the ellipsis to the right of the current folder or by right-clicking on it. The available actions are controlled by the Access Control List (ACL) assignments to the role of the current user.
Excel range as text
A new type of object called Excel range as text has been added to support cases where text was inserted into Excel cells instead of being loaded into a Word document as data source. With this object, the content of the range is treated as pure text and rendered accordingly.
Ranges consisting of a single column are allowed.
Home screen layout
An older version of the Home screen has been reintroduced as a user-selectable preference that can be activated or deactivated. This is also available for the data source screen.
Preview of first page
You can now show a preview of any page of the current document or sub-document in the right panel of the Home or View screens. This action can be accessed from the ellipsis to the right of the current document or by right-clicking on it.
The feature is also available for PowerPoint presentations.
View or edit disabled sub-documents
Users with the correct permissions can now visualize, open, and edit sub-documents that have been disabled in the current structure. Their content won't be combined in the master document unless re-enabled.
Export of selected sub-documents
The export feature now allows you to select a list of sub-documents to be exported at once. If a sub-document is selected, the current master document won't be exported. The results will be packed into a single ZIP file available for download. The sub-documents to export can be selected from the list at the bottom of the export screen.
Export of PPT presentations
The export feature has been extended to include the PowerPoint file format, in addition to the PDF format. You can also export a selection of sub-presentations.
Export as PDF with attachments
When a PDF document with attachments is exported, attachments can be added at the end of the exported PDF output. Valid attachments include files in PDF, Word, PowerPoint, JPG, or PNG format. All attachments are also converted into PDF, if not already in that format. Attachments in unsupported formats are ignored.
Attachments can also be associated to sub-documents and not just master documents.
Bulk-assignment of reader or editor permissions to children
You can assign permissions in bulk to all child documents. Typically, submitter or approver permissions are automatically added to all children of a current parent document. However, reader or editor permissions must be assigned to the individual child documents.

Data source import validations
Imported data source files can now have previously-invalid characters in their names. They can also be duplicates of existing files in the data source storage.
These characters include: ?
, %
, #
, <
, >
, @
, [
, ]
, {
, }
, "
, ^
, !
, \
, |
, /
, *
, ~
, +
, «
, and »
Apply selected table properties to all tables in a document
You can now set all tables in a document to have the same properties as a selected table. The properties whose values can be enforced to all tables existing in the current document show the Apply to all switch. Activating any of the switches and saving the table will trigger a refresh of all affected tables existing in the document.

One-step opening of object properties pane
In a Word document, if your cursor is already placed on an existing object, you can select Object properties from the ribbon bar to automatically open the properties pane of that object without having to select Load property first.
Display the read-only status of listed documents
When a document administrator is assigned read-only permission to a document within one of their assigned folders, the document will appear in a different color on the Home or View screen.
Accessibility of document references via ACL
We now support three different access level options in the ACL. They can be used to restrict (or enable) the visibility of reference objects from the Microsoft Word add-in.
Technology and security enhancements
The source code of the product has been migrated to the latest version of Microsoft's development technology (.NET Core 8) and several enhancements have been introduced to make the application more robust and less vulnerable to attacks.
Anaplan XL
Multi-stage search
When using Advanced Search to search a hierarchy or list, you can now use the Pick option to run repeated searches and add the required elements to the list without leaving the search dialog. This makes multi-stage searches significantly faster.
1. Advanced search

2. Search and pick

3. Second search and pick

4. Search results

Suppress Zeros option on DAX Tables
You now have the option to suppress rows with zeros in tables, when connecting to Tabular SSAS or Power BI Datasets/Sematic Models.