As the translations are based on the column name suffixes, for example, _es, _fr in this example, Anaplan XL must choose the correct column to get captions.
A user's locale is defined as a language-country pair in Windows or through the browser for Anaplan XL web.
Anaplan XL will try:
- Exact language-country match
- Matching generic language
- Matching language for a different country
- Base column with no suffix
For example, if you have defined a translation for Portuguese (Portugal), we will have a column called Product Category Name_pt-PT. If a Brazilian Portuguese speaker opens a report, then the process will be:
- The user's locale is pt-BR, but the column is pt-PT - no match.
- Look for a column with the suffix pt - not found so no match.
- Look for a column with language pt and any country - success pt-PT matches.
- Not evaluated. Match has already been found.
In this case, the user would see the Portuguese translations as the best match available in the model.