You can configure context selectors to show only the items that your users need. You can also show items by level, which is helpful for long lists where users only need to access high level summaries.
You can select items to show in a context selector on both boards and worksheets.
It is not possible to select which items, or levels, to show in context selectors on individual cards.
To select items to show in a context selector:
- In designer mode, click the cog to the left of the context selector.
A drop-down menu displays. - Choose Show / Hide.
The Show / Hide panel displays on the right of the screen. - Optionally, select the checkboxes for the levels to show under the Levels heading.
The items under the Items heading update to reflect the levels you select. - Under the Items heading, select the checkboxes for each of the items to show. Deselect the checkboxes for any items to hide.
If you deselect all checkboxes, all of the items for the levels you have selected will display.
Type part of the name of an item into the Find... field to narrow down the list of items.
You can click Select all to select all items.
To undo any selections you have made and show all items in the context selector, click Reset. - To apply your selections to the context selector, click Apply.
- Click Publish in the top-right of the screen to save your selections.