Modify the General and Formatting sections of the Appearance tab.


The title of the Grid, displayed in dialogs and menus whenever the Grid is referred to.

The placeholders below can also be used to display information regarding the cube connection:

  • {connectionid}
  • {server}
  • {database}
  • {cube}
  • {lastupdate}

Display Grid titleDisplay the Grid title in the worksheet.
Replace nulls withInstead of an empty cell, Anaplan XL inserts the desired value.
Apply formattingOverride formats on the Grid, or let you manage them manually.
Apply Format sheet row heightsSets grid to use the row height from the format sheet or not.
Format Grid without bordersExclude borders from the formatting applied to the Grid.
Apply Cube formattingRetrieve and apply formats that are defined in the cube.
Merge repeating cellsWhen crossjoining, merge the repeated cells for the outer hierarchies:
Expand Sets On HeadersDisplays the caption or the members of selected sets on filters.
Show member properties in separate columnsIf any member properties are selected, display each in its own column, or in the same cell as the member caption.
Property display styleIf properties aren't in separate columns, control how the member caption and property are displayed in the cell.
Group member properties with the same nameAny member properties with the same caption in the cube will be merged into one column.
Convert member properties to numbersFormats returned properties as numbers in the spreadsheet instead of inserting them as text.
Maintain freeze panesWill displace the frozen panes to adjust for changes in grid structure.
Display cell error DescriptionInstead of displaying “#Err” the grid will display the error message returned by the server.
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Show drill indicator

If a member is drillable, a symbol is displayed before the member's caption:

  • + Member can be drilled down
  • -  Member can be drilled up
  •    Member can't be Drilled
Indent members when drillingThe indentation of the members in a Grid reflects what level they are on. The size of the indentation can also be adjusted.
Size of indentationAllows the user to set size of indentation when drilling

You can choose not to display sections of the grid. This enables you to place grids in specific places without needing to hide rows/columns, which is helpful if they move when drilled.

Hide header hierarchiesShow only the row and column hierarchies and members. The header hierarchies can still be seen in the Edit Grid dialog.
Fix Number of Header hierarchy rowsEnables wrapping or hiding so the number of rows being used by the filters can be set.
Hide draggable hierarchy labelsPrevent ‌hierarchy labels from being rendered. This option speeds up Grid updates.
Hide hierarchy label warning iconPrevent display of a warning icon when advanced selections are active on a hierarchy.
Hide Column LabelsHide labels for any hierarchies displayed on the columns axis
Hide Row LabelsHide labels for any hierarchies displayed on the rows axis
Hide Column MembersHide members for any hierarchies displayed on the columns axis
Hide Row MembersHide members for any hierarchies displayed on the rows axis