The most common problems you may encounter when you create a formula are described on this page.

You can avoid problems using the built-in formula syntax checker, which is available in the formula editor. If edit a formula in the formula bar, the syntax checker is not available.

ProblemPossible cause
Quotes around my list or module names are removed after I have typed them and pressed Enter.List or module names containing numbers or the full point are enclosed in single quotes to delimit the name. If the item is recognized, encapsulating quotes are removed.
Note that if both the module name and the list item contain numbers or a full point, each individual item must be encapsulated. For example, a module named Sales 2017, with a line item named Region 3 would be called 'Sales2017'.'Region 3' in a formula.
When entering a formula I see a message telling me of a formula clash

A message displays informing you of an issue with the formula if any of these statements are true:

  • Enter an individual line item formula, and try to enter a module scope version formula that also applies to the line item.
  • Have a module scope version formula applied to a line item, and try to enter an individual line item formula also for the line item.
  • Have module scope version formulas, and you try to enter a version formula for the entire model that clashes with an existing module scope version formula.
  • Have version formulas for the entire model, and try to enter a module scope version formula that clashes with a version formula for the entire model

For information on precedence and setting the scope of formulas, see Formulas.

Unexpected results using a version formula

The version formula for the entire model takes precedence over module scope version formula

For information on precedence and setting the scope of formulas, see Formulas.