Context selectors are dropdown lists that you can use to switch between dimensions to change the context of a page.  

You can have up to three dimensions on rows and columns. You can select values for any dimension the page builder has configured as a context selector.

Context selectors display in the top-right of a worksheet. Individual values for the dimension display in a dropdown. Cards can have their own context selectors, which function independently. If configured by your page builder, these selectors can synchronize with choices made on the top-right selectors. When you hover over a card, context selectors outline in blue.

You can also filter the data in a grid to change the data that displays on a page.

A worksheet titled Account Targets. The mouse cursor is hovering over a chart card titled Revenue and COGS by company, which means the Total Company context selector has a blue outline.

To use a context selector, select the context selector, then select the dimension value you want to show data for.  

Optionally, enter text in the Find… box to find the dimension value.  

Note: Any cards in Additional insights that are synchronized with the page also display data for the selected value.  

To restore the default context selector values for your page, select Reset