After you create a connection with an external source system, create a source data extract to extract data from it.

Anaplan Data Orchestrator is in limited availability. Speak to your Anaplan account executive for more information.

You are limited to running a maximum of 100 data extracts and a maximum of 100 model links in any 24-hour period per package. You can add additional packages to your entitlement to increase the total number of data extracts and models links that you can run within a 24-hour period.

After the data is extracted, create a transformation view, which transforms that data into the structure required for your Anaplan model.

A connection can have multiple source data extracts.

To create a source data extract:

  1. Select Source data on the left-side panel.
  2. Select Add data > From connection.
  3. On the Dataset details page, enter these details and select Next:
    • Connection
    • Dataset name
    • Description
      Based on the connection you select, you might be requested to enter additional dataset: Path name, Column separator, or Text Delimiter.
  4. On the Choose an upload type page, enter these details and select Next:
    • Load type:
      • Full replace: Completely replaces the current loaded data with the new data.
      • Append: Allows you to load duplicates.
      • Incremental: Updates the objects that were previously loaded.
    • Select the columns to import
      The _ab fields are added by the system and are not user data. If you select Append or Incremental as the load type (partial replace), Data Orchestrator uses those values as cursor keys to identify what has changed. The values aren't used for a Full replace.
  5. Select Create on the confirmation dialog.