Use Excel's date and time functions in your Anaplan XL reports.

DATEReturns the serial number that represents a date.
DATEDIFReturns the difference of two dates in years, months, or days.
DATEVALUEConverts date text to a DATEVALUE serial number.
DAYReturns the corresponding day of the month serial number or date text from 1 to 31.
DAYSReturns the number of days between the two specified dates.
DAYS360Returns the number of days between two set dates based on a 360-day year.
EDATEReturns the value or serial number of the date, which is a certain number of months before or after a user-specified date.
EOMONTHReturns the date at the end of the month a specified number of months before or after a specified date.
HOURReturns the hour as a serial number integer between 0 and 23.
ISOWEEKNUMReturns the ISO week number for a specified date.
MINUTEReturns the serial number that corresponds to the minute.
MONTHReturns the corresponding serial number of the month of a date between 1 and 12.
NETWORKDAYSReturns the number of working days between two dates. Excludes weekends and specified holidays.
NETWORKDAYS.INTLReturns the number of whole workdays between two dates using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days.
NOWReturns the current date and time in the form of a serial number.
SECONDReturns the seconds portion of a serial time value.
TIMEReturns the decimal value of a given time.
TIMEVALUEReturns the decimal number for a given time.
TODAYReturns the current date as a serial number.
WEEKDAYReturns the corresponding day of the week as a serial number.
WEEKNUMReturns the number where a week falls numerically within a year.
WORKDAYReturns a date that is a specified number of working days before or after a given date.
WORKDAY.INTLReturns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days.
YEARReturns the corresponding year as a serial number in the form of an integer.
YEARFRACCalculates the fraction of the year between two dates.