Use Excel's engineering functions in your Anaplan XL reports.

BESSELIReturns the BESSEL function in modified form for imaginary arguments.
BESSELJReturns the actual BESSEL function.
BESSELKReturns the BESSEL function in modified form for imaginary arguments.
BESSELYReturns the BESSEL function, also known as the Weber or Neumann function.
BIN2DECConverts a binary number to decimal form.
BIN2HEXConverts a binary number to a hexadecimal.
BIN2OCTConverts a binary number to octal form.
BITANDReturns the bitwise AND of the two specified numbers.
BITLSHIFTReturns the specified number shifted left by the specified amount.
BITORReturns the bitwise OR of the two specified numbers.
BITRSHIFTReturns the specified number shifted right by the specified amount.
BITXORReturns the bitwise XOR of the two specified numbers.
COMPLEXConverts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number of the form x + yi or x + yj.
CONVERTInterprets data from one measurement system to another.
DEC2BINConverts decimal numbers to binary form.
DEC2HEXConverts decimal numbers to hexadecimal.
DEC2OCTConverts decimal numbers to octal.
DELTATests whether numbers or values are equal to a number result. Returns "0" for unequal, "1" for equal.
ERFReturns the integrated error function between a lower and upper limit.
ERF.PRECISEReturns the error function
ERFCReturns a complementary ERF function integrated between 'x' and infinity.
ERFC.PRECISEReturns the complementary ERF function integrated between x and infinity
GESTEPReturns the value 1 if the number is greater than or equal to a specified step value, otherwise it returns 0.
HEX2BINConverts hexadecimal numbers to binary form.
HEX2DECConverts hexadecimal numbers to decimal form.
HEX2OCTConverts hexadecimal numbers to octal form.
IMABSReturns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMAGINARYReturns the coefficient of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMARGUMENTReturns the theta argument - an angle expressed in radians.
IMCONJUGATEReturns the complex conjugate of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMCOSReturns the cosine of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMCOSHReturns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified complex number.
IMCOTReturns the cotangent of the specified complex number.
IMCSCReturns the cosecant of the specified complex number.
IMCSCHReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of the specified complex number.
IMDIVReturns the quotient of complex numbers in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMEXPReturns the exponential of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMLNReturns the natural logarithm of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMLOG10Returns the common logarithm (Base 10) of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMLOG2Returns the common logarithm (Base 2) of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMPOWERReturns a complex number raised to a power in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMPRODUCTReturns the product from 2 to 29 complex numbers in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMREALReturns the real coefficient of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMSECReturns the secant of the specified complex number.
IMSECHReturns the hyperbolic secant of the specified complex number.
IMSINReturns the sine of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMSINHReturns the hyperbolic sine of the specified complex number.
IMSQRTReturns the square root of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMSUBReturns the difference of two complex numbers in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMSUMReturns the sum of 2 to 29 complex numbers in x+yi or x+yj text format.
IMTANReturns the tangent of the specified complex number.
OCT2BINConverts an octal number to binary form.
OCT2DECConverts an octal number to decimal form.
OCT2HEXConverts an octal number to hexadecimal form.