Use Excel's text functions in your Anaplan XL reports

CHARReturns the character specified by a number.
CLEANRemoves all nonprintable characters from text.
CODEReturns a numeric code from the first character in a text string. The opposite of the CHAR function.
CONCATENATEJoins several text strings into one text string.
DOLLARConverts a number to text using Currency format, with the decimals rounded to the specified place.
EXACTCompares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same, and FALSE otherwise.
FINDLocates one text string within another text string, and returns the number of the starting position of of FIND_TEXT from the leftmost character of WITHIN_TEXT.
FINDBReturns the position of specified text within another specified text string based on the number of bytes each character uses from the first character of WITHIN_TEXT.
FIXEDRounds a number to a specified number of decimals, formats the number in decimal format using a period and commas, and returns the result as text.
LEFTReturns the first character(s) in a text string.
LEFTBReturns the first character(s) in a text string based on a specified number of bytes.
LENReturns the number of characters in a text string.
LENBReturns the number of characters in a text string expressed in bytes.
LOWERConverts all letters in a text string to lowercase.
MIDReturns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify.
MIDBReturns a group of characters based on a specified number of bytes from a text string starting at the position you specify.
NUMBERVALUEConverts the specified text to a number using the specified decimal separator and thousands separator.
PROPERCapitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string or sentence.
REPLACEReplaces part of a text string with a different text string based on the number of characters you specify.
REPLACEBReplaces part of a text string with a different text string based on the number of characters you specify in terms of bytes.
REPTRepeats the specified text a given number of times.
RIGHTReturns the last character(s) in a text string.
RIGHTBReturns the last character(s) in a text string based on a specified number of bytes.
SEARCHReturns the number of the character at which a specific character or text string is first found, reading from left to right.
SEARCHBReturns the number of the character at which a specific character or text string is first found in bytes, reading from left to right.
SUBSTITUTESubstitutes NEW_TEXT for OLD_TEXT in a string.
TReturns the text referred to by a value.
TEXTConverts a value to text in a specific number format.
TRIMRemoves all spaces from text except single spaces between words.
UNICHARConvert the specified UTF-32 code point to text.
UNICODEConvert the first character in the specified text to a UTF-32 code point.
UPPERConverts text to uppercase.
USDOLLARConverts a number to text using U.S. Dollar format, with the decimals rounded to the specified place.
VALUEConverts a text string that represents a number to a number.