Returns the status of the process you specify, such as whether it is complete, and, if the process contains one or more imports; whether there are one or more import dump files with information about any rows that failed during import (failureDumpAvailable).

The response includes:

Response valueDescription
currentStepThe task associated with the specified taskID.
taskStateThe status of the process task.  Possible values are:
NOT_STARTED - Scheduled but not started.
IN_PROGRESS - Currently running.
COMPLETE - Done, either successfully or not.
CANCELLING - Cancellation has begun but is not yet complete.
CANCELLED - Cancellation is complete and any changes are rolled back.
progressThe percentage of how much of the task is complete.  Values range from 0.0 (not started) to 1.0 (complete).
failureDumpAvailableIf true, there is a dump file available.
nestedResultsIndicates whether the actions carried out in the process were successful. This contains details in the form of a JSON array, which also contains some debug information when failures occur. Get the failure dump file to view the complete debug information.
objectIDThe identifier of the process task or the task that it includes. 

AnaplanAuthToken:{token}Your Anaplan authentication token value.
workspaceIDThe workspace ID
modelIDThe model ID
processIDThe process ID
taskIDThe ID for your process task

curl -X GET \ \ -H 'authorization: AnaplanAuthToken {token}' \ -H "Content-Type:application/json"
















               "localMessageText":"The uploaded file is no longer available; please upload the file again",










                     "localMessageText":"The uploaded file is no longer available; please upload the file again",





                        "The uploaded file is no longer available; please upload the file again"

































