Anaplan Workflow enables Workflow owners to assign tasks to end users within an organization. End users have access to notifications and a task inbox that displays their tasks and helps organize their work.

As an end user, you receive Anaplan, email, and push notifications about task assignments. You can action the tasks directly from the notification by selecting the shortcut, or you can access the task inbox.

To access your task inbox, in Anaplan Home, select Workflow , or select the navigation menu and the Workflow option. This displays the task inbox.

The task inbox provides an organized view of all your tasks, open, completed, and any created by you, if you have the Workflow owner role. Task approvals display in their own category:

  • Open tasks include any tasks that you have not yet started, or that are currently in progress.
  • Completed tasks include those that you have completed, canceled, rejected, or approved.
  • Created by me shows all tasks you have created, independent of their current status.
  • Task approvals, shows any task that is subject to an approver, including decision tasks for your user, and page or group tasks that await approval by your user.

In the main task view, you can filter tasks by name, status, due date, or creator.

Select any task in the inbox to display details about it. The task detail pane displays actions you can carry out for the selected task. You can view the task page, set the task as complete, or you can delegate the task to another user with the Transfer option.

The pane also displays additional information about the task, including any instructions and due dates, comments left by users, and a timeline of the task events:

  • The Details tab to see the most important details about the task.
  • The Comments tab enables you to communicate with other users on the subject of the task. If you mention a user with the @<username> format, that user receives a notification.
  • The Timeline displays a log of the most important events taking place for that task, including the task assignment date, the actual start date, the moment it is overdue, and the moment it is completed.