The Keep menu option allows you to quickly remove unwanted members from a grid report. Select the cells containing the members to keep/exclude and select Keep from the grid ribbon. You can also use the right-click option Anaplan XL Reporting > Keep....

You can then select whether to keep or exclude the selected member(s). This will replace the previous member selection.

  • This Member: The selected members will be selected explicitly, and all other members removed.
  • All Other Members: The unselected members will be selected explicitly, and all other members removed.
  • Exclude From Display: The selected members will be removed from display. You can remove combinations across hierarchies. A red flag will appear on the axis to warn that rows/columns are being restricted. Right-click on it, Anaplan XL > Axis > Edit Axis.. to edit the axis setup. Here you can change the members being excluded, or have the selections driven from an Excel range.

There are three additional options available, which are accessed via the Keep menu on the grid ribbon.

  • Keep and Group Members: A calculated member will be created for the selected members, and this'll be selected in the report.
  • Keep members and create named set: A named set will be created for the selected members, and this'll be selected in the report. This can contain members from several hierarchies.
  • Keep members and create dynamic set: A set of the selected members will be created and selected. This can contain members from several hierarchies. If you double-click the hierarchy header, you can edit the members selected, or have the selections driven from an Excel range.

Select Anaplan XL > Keep Only on the Grid right-click menu to update the grid to show only the currently selected members.