You can use these operators, constants, and Boolean literals in your transformation column formulas. 

See Anaplan Data Orchestrator functions for the types of functions and formats you can use in your column formulas.

Use operators in your formulas to combine, compare, and perform mathematical or logical operations with your data. Use the constants TRUE and FALSE as the result of conditional calculations. TRUE and FALSE resolve to Boolean.

For more information about operators and constants, see Operators and constants.

OperatorValid operation
+number + number

number - number

date - date

timestamp(or date) - timestamp 

 *number * number
/number / number 

number > number

date > date


number < number

date < date


number >= number

date >= date


number <= number

date <= date


number = number

boolean = boolean

date = date

text = text


number <> number

boolean <> boolean

date <> date

text <> text

&text & text 
ANDboolean AND boolean
NOTNOT boolean
ORboolean OR boolean
TRUEboolean = TRUE
FALSEboolean = FALSE

number = NULL

boolean = NULL

date = NULL

text = NULL

When boolean-like string and number values are used in expressions or operators that expect a boolean type, they're interpreted as boolean values. This interpretation can be convenient if a dataset naturally contains these string or numeric boolean representations, as they don't need to be converted. 

All rows must contain a supported boolean literal, as any occurrence of an unsupported value results in an error when you attempt to query the view.

Boolean resultSupported literals (case-insensitive)
TrueTRUE "t" "true" "y" "yes" "1" 1
FalseFALSE "f" "false" "n" "no" "0" 0