A transformation view is a view of a source dataset in the format required to push the dataset to a model. Create a transformation view before you push the dataset to a model. 

Anaplan Data Orchestrator is in limited availability. Speak to your Anaplan account executive for more information.

You can create a transformation view with either a source dataset or a derived dataset. A derived dataset is a dataset that is a result of a transformation view.

To create a transformation view:

  1. Select Transformation views from the left-side panel.
  2. Select Create view.
  3. On the Create view page, enter these details and select Next:
    • Name
    • Description
  4. On the Choose a dataset page, select a dataset and select Next.
    You can select a source dataset or a transformation view dataset .
    If you can't find a dataset, enter a search term in the Find... field.
  5. On the Source columns page:
    1. Select the columns you want to add to your view.
      The columns you select display in the Output columns pane.
    2. In the Output columns pane, you can rename the columns.
    3. Select Create.