Query generators enable you to design a report and have the generated MDX put in a cell. This is useful when you want to have the MDX reference Excel cells or dimension slicers. MDX: and XL3GridArrayLookup can be easier to use when Anaplan XL Reporting generates the report MDX for you.

The designer for these is the same as the grid designer, and you can set up the same reports.

You can output the MDX for the entire query, or just a section to be used with other features as you require.

If you right-click the query cell you can edit the properties so it only outputs the MDX for an axis or hierarchy.

When connecting to a report, you can set the grid axis MDX or add a member set to link to the MDX in the workbook.

To insert a query generator, from the Anaplan XL menu, select Insert Formula > Insert Query Generator.