The XL3SetProperty formula updates the Anaplan XL grid display and permission properties in the workbook. 

ApplyFormattingToggle whether formatting is applied.TRUE or FALSE
HierarchiesOnColumnsSets hierarchies on columns. Will move hierarchies as required.Hierarchy name or names.
HierarchiesOnHeadersSets hierarchies on headers. Will move hierarchies as required.Hierarchy name or names.
HierarchiesOnRowsSets hierarchies on rows. Will move hierarchies as required.Hierarchy name or names.
MemberPropertiesSets the selected member properties for a hierarchy.See the Member Properties section for more details.
MemberSelectionTypeSets the selection type of the members, for example, children, parents, descendants etc.See the Member Selection Type section for more details.
MergeRepeatingCellsMerge cells containing the same member in cross-joins. Applies to both MergeRepeatingRowCells and MergeRepeatingColumnCells at once.TRUE or FALSE
MergeRepeatingColumnCellsMerge cells containing the same member in column cross-joins.TRUE or FALSE
MergeRepeatingRowCellsMerge cells containing the same member in row cross-joins.TRUE or FALSE
RemoveEmptyColumnsSets the columns to hide or show members with no data.TRUE or FALSE
RemoveEmptyRowsSets the rows to hide or show members with no data.TRUE or FALSE
ShowDescendantCommentsToggle whether descendant comments should be shown, if Cube Comments are enabled for the Grid.TRUE or FALSE

Review Grid Permissions for details of what the options below do.

ColumnMembersTRUE or FALSE
ColumnNavigationTRUE or FALSE
RowMembersTRUE or FALSE
RowNavigationTRUE or FALSE
DimensionNavigationTRUE or FALSE
SlicerMembersTRUE or FALSE