The Anaplan XL Reporting Excel Add-in makes it easy for you to build reports. Build reports by combining Anaplan XL functions on a spreadsheet page. 

XL3LookupReturns the value for a given cross section of the cube.
XL3DataSeriesReturns a set of cube cell values.
XL3DataSeriesLookupReturns a set of cube cell values.
XL3DoWritebackOptionally writes a value to a specific cube cross-section.
XL3HierarchyLookupReturns the dimension name.
XL3HierarchyRoleLookupReturns the hierarchy name for a given role.
XL3KpiLookupReturns the value of a KPI for a given cross section of the cube.
XL3KpiPropertyLookupReturns a property for a given KPI.
XL3LookupRWReturns the value for a given cross section of the cube, allowing a writeback to be performed on the cell.
XL3MdxLookupReturns the value from a specified MDX statement.
XL3MdxMemberLookupReturns a member from a specified MDX statement
XL3MdxDataSeriesReturns a set of cube cell values from an MDX statement.
XL3MemberReturns the captions for members.
XL3MemberAliasAllows you to alias a member lookup to return a more readable name.
XL3MemberChildLookupReturns the specified child for a given member.
XL3MemberLevelLookupReturns the specified member for a given level.
XL3MemberLookupReturns the caption for a member key or unique name (superseded by XL3Member).
XL3MemberNavigateReturns a member from its relationship to another. For example, parents, children, siblings.
XL3MemberFromLookupReturns a member using a text cell value.
XL3PropertyLookupReturns the member property text for a specified dimension member.
XL3RankLookupReturns the member at the specified position of a ranking.
XL3SetPropertyAllows the updating of object types properties.
XL3ValueRankLookupReturns the measure value at the specified position of a ranking.
XL3LastCubeUpdateReturns the time at which the cube was last updated.
XL3UserNameReturns the user ID of the logged in user.
XL3GridMemberReturns the member unique name for the specified grid cell.
XL3GridArrayLookupReturns an array containing the result of a query.
XL3LookupTabularReturns the value of a measure for a given filter.
XL3SparkLineCreates a line, point or area chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkLineMCreates a monochrome line or point chart that is rendered in the Excel cell.
XL3SparkColumnsCreates a column chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkColumnsMCreates a monochrome column chart that is rendered in the Excel cell.
XL3SparkWinLoseCreates a win/loss chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkWinLoseMCreates a monochrome win/loss chart that is rendered in the Excel cell.
XL3SparkBarCreates a bar chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkBarMCreates a monochrome bar chart that is rendered in the Excel cell.
XL3SparkBulletCreates a bullet chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkHorizonCreates a horizon chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkIconCreates an indicator icon that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkHeatMapCreates a set of colored icons suitable for use as a heat map.
XL3SparkPieCreates a pie chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkBoxCreates a box plot chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkDotPlotCreates a dot plot chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkLolliplotCreates a lollipop chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkHeatMapCreates a heat map section that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3SparkCompareCreates a comparison chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
XL3QueryTableGetConnectionStringGets the connection string of a query table.
XL3QueryTableSetConnectionStringSets the connection string of a query table.
XL3QueryTableSetParamSets the query parameter value of a query table.
XL3QueryTableSetSQLSets the SQL statement of a query table.
XL3RunSQLRuns the specified SQL.
XL3RunSQLProcRuns the specified stored procedure.
XL3SqlAreaCreates and updates table range based on the results of a SQL query.
XL3TableArrayLookupReturns an array containing the result of a query.
XL3LinkCreates a link that opens a sheet and sets parameters.
XL3RowVisibleShows or hides a row.
XL3ColumnVisibleShows or hides a column.
XL3SheetVisibleShows or hides a sheet.
XL3DynamicPictureUpdates a picture based on a URL (web address).
XL3RefreshObjectsRefreshes objects in the report based on type.
XL3RefreshSheetObjectsRefreshes objects in the report based on type.
XL3RefreshObjectsNamedRefreshes objects in the report based on name.
XL3RefreshConnectionsRefreshes objects connected to a connection.
XL3WebReportLinkCreates a link that opens an Anaplan XL Web report and optionally sets Web parameters.
XL3IsWebReturns True if report is running in Anaplan XL Web and False if the report is running in Excel.
XL3ResourceLookupReturns the text for the specified resource for the current culture (Web only)
XL3ReportInfoReturns information about the published report, for example, ReportName, PublishedBy. (Web only)
XL3CubeCommentGet the comments for a particular cube cell.
XL3GridCommentGet the comments for a grid.
Ribbon/Menu optionFunction
Insert membersXL3Member
Insert valueXL3Lookup/XL3LookupRW
Insert rankingXL3RankLookup
Insert member propertyXL3PropertyLookup
Insert data seriesXL3DataSeriesLookup
Insert linkXL3Link

Review Supported Excel formulas for a full list.