The XL3SetProperty formula updates the Anaplan XL workbook properties in the workbook. 

For workbook-level properties, the object name refers to the area of the product being updated.

Object NamePropertyDescriptionValue

One of the following option names: 

See Table below

Sets which options are permitted when published.TRUE or FALSE
WritebackSpreadMethodSets the formula spread method.Valid values are "USE_EQUAL_ALLOCATION", "USE_EQUAL_INCREMENT", "USE_WEIGHTED_ALLOCATION", "USE_WEIGHTED_INCREMENT"
WritebackEnabledSets whether formula writeback is enabled.TRUE or FALSE

Below refers to the webpublication properties for a workbook.

SubmitChangesDisplay Submit Changes
PrintAllow printing
SaveToExcelAllow save to Excel
SaveToExcelActiveSheetOnlyOnly allow active sheet to be saved to Excel
SaveToRepositoryAllow save to repository
RefreshDisplay Refresh button
ContextMenuEnable Right-Click Menus
SaveParametersSave Custom View
DrillMemberFormulaeDrill Formulae
EditMemberFormulaeEdit Member Formulae
AutoReloadOnExpiryAuto reload
EditLockedXL3LookupRWEdit XL3LookupRW without unlocking
OpenLinksInSameWindowOpen Links In Same Window
DundasChartRenderingUse V5 Chart Rendering
SaveToExcelLiveAllow save to Excel live
DeAutomaticChartSettingsOnPublishHandle Excel chart styles
HideSheetTabsOnPublishHide Sheet Tabs
UseExcelValidationEnforce Excel data validation rules
SubmitChangesOnCellBlurSubmit when value changes
OpenWebReportLinksInSameDivOpen WebReportLinks in same div
ConvertShapesToImagesOnPublishConvert shapes to images
UseRefreshOnDrivingCellChangeOnWebUse 'Refresh On Driving Cell Change'
WriteNbspInBlankCellsWrite a space in blank cells