Use the mobile app to create, configure, and assign page tasks or group tasks to Anaplan users.

You must have the Workflow Owner administration role, and model permissions to use the model actions required to set up the workflow task.

Your task assignee must also have access to the source model on which the page task is run.

To create a workflow page task or group task on mobile:

  1. Open the page where you want to create a task.
  2. Tap Options in the top-right of the screen.
  3. Select Create task. If this option isn't available, then you don't currently have the Workflow Owner role. Contact a tenant administrator to enable access.
  4. Tap the type of task you want to create. These are page tasks or group tasks.
  5. In the Create a task screen:
    • Name your task.
    • Enter any task instructions for your assignee.
    • Select an assignee for the task.
      1. Tap Add assignee.
      2. In the Add an assignee screen, select the assignee, then tap Confirm. If you are creating a group task, you can select multiple assignees.
    • (Optional) Set a due date for the task.
      1. Tap Due date. Note that, by default, any new task is given a five business day due date.
      2. In the Choose time & date screen, tap the Specific date radio button.
      3. Tap the Due date dropdown to open a calendar view and select a date.
      4. Tap the Due time dropdown to select a time slot.
      5. Tap the Timezone dropdown to select the time zone in which the time slot is recorded. This may be a different time zone from the task creator.
      6. Tap Confirm.
    • (Optional) Set a task approver for the task. 
      1. Tap Task approval.
      2. In the Choose approvers screen, tap one or more users from the list to set them as task approvers, then tap Confirm.
      3. If you select more than one approver, the Approval type radio button displays in the Create a task screen. Select how many approvers are required. This can be one approver or all approvers.
  6. In the Create a task screen, review your choices and then select Create task. If ‌task creation is successful, a confirmation message displays. Tap Done.