In the mobile app, you can complete, approve, or keep track of your tasks.

The Workflow menu displays all tasks that are assigned to you, or have been assigned by you. By default, the mobile app displays your open tasks. These are tasks that were assigned to you but are not yet completed.

To see these tasks, select the dropdown arrow at the top of the page.  These will display your open tasks, completed tasks, tasks created by you, and tasks awaiting your approval (for workflow approvals or decision tasks).

You can use filters to find specific tasks within each category. You can filter by: Status, Created by, and Due date.

To change the filters:

  1. Select any filter at the top of the screen.
  2. From the filter panel, select the filters you want.
  3. Select Done.

To view a task's details, tap on the task.

A new screen shows the Details tab and the Timeline tab. The Details tab contains the task's status, it's due date, specific instructions for completion, the task creator, and how long ago it was accessed. The Timeline tab provides a linear timeline of events for that task. 

If there is an approval or a decision task, you can approve, reject, or send back the task.

You can open any task directly from this screen, and you can also mark it as complete.