When you import into a list, you can map your source file to import data into parent hierarchies and list properties.

You map list items as part of an import into either a standard list or numbered list.

Perform the procedure below within the import mapping dialog. The import mapping dialog displays when you edit an existing import, or after the File Options dialog that displays when you first set up an import.

You can import special characters into Anaplan as data. However, try to avoid special characters in list item names, or other values used as mappings in an import. This can result in errors when you import.

To map list items in an import:

  1. In the import mapping dialog, under the Source heading, select the column headers within the import file that correspond to properties in your list.
  2. Optionally, if you import into a list property with the Date data type, you can select the checkbox under the Custom Date Mapping heading.
    The Mapping dialog displays, where you can specify the format of dates in your import file.
  3. Under the Items uniquely identified by heading, select how to identify list items. If a unique match is not found, the import creates a new list item. There are four options:
    • Name or code: The import identifies items from the source file based on code first, then attempts to identify based on name.
    • Name only: The import identifies items from the source file based on name.
    • Code only: The import identifies items from the source file based on code.
    • Combination of properties: You can select one or more properties from the list, such as the parent, or a date, to identify each item from the source.
      It's better to use a code instead of a combination of properties, as imports based on a combination of properties take far longer.
  4. Optionally, select the checkbox under Enforce Unique Naming. This affixes a tilde (~) and number to any list items with duplicated names to ensure uniqueness.
    There is a limit of 60 characters for list item names. If a list item name is 60 characters long and duplicated, and you select Enforce Unique Naming, the final two characters of any duplicated names are replaced by a tilde and number.
  5. Under the Treatment of duplicated identifiers in source heading, choose the behavior when multiple list item identifiers (such as the code) in the source file are the same. You can choose between:
    • Reject entire import: This rejects the entire import in the case of a list item with a duplicated identifier. You can then amend your source file to remove duplication.
    • Import first occurrence: This imports the first instance of a list item with a duplicated identifier, and rejects all further instances. You can review which items were rejected in the Details dialog after step 7.
  6. Under the Treatment of duplicated identifiers in target heading, choose the behavior when two identifiers (such as the code) in the target list are the same. You can choose between:
    • Reject entire import: With this selected, if there are list items with duplicated identifiers in the target, the import fails. You can then amend your source file or list to resolve the duplication.
    • Reject duplicates only: With this selected, if there are list items with duplicated identifiers in the target, those items are not imported. Other items are imported or updated.
  7. Select Run Import. Alternatively, select OK to update the import definition and not import data.
    The Details dialog displays, which contains information about your import.

When you map list items in an import into a numbered list, there are other considerations. Additionally, when you perform the procedure above for a numbered list, you cannot:

  • Uniquely identify list items based on Name or code.
  • Select Enforce Unique Naming, as items in a numbered list are inherently unique.