Comparisons of Microsoft Excel functions to those available in Anaplan.

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Excel functionExcel descriptionAnaplan solution
IFReturns one value if the condition is TRUE, or another value if the condition is FALSE.Use an IF THEN ELSE conditional formula.
IF (more than 7)Nest more than seven IF functions.Use an IF THEN ELSE conditional formula.
IF (up to 7)Nest up to seven IF functions.Use an IF THEN ELSE conditional formula.
IFERRORUsed to return an alternate value if a formula results in an error.Use an IF THEN ELSE conditional formula.
IFNAUsed to return an alternate value if a formula results in #N/A error.Use an IF THEN ELSE conditional formula.
IFSSpecify multiple IF conditions within a function.Use an IF THEN ELSE conditional formula.
INDEXReturns either the value or the reference to a value from a table or range.Use the FINDITEM formula to match text to an item in a list, or in a time period list. Matches can be on the item name or code.
INDIRECTReturns the reference to a cell based on its string representation.Use the LOOKUP and TEXT formulas.
INFOReturns information about the operating environment.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
INTReturns the integer part of a number.Use module formatting.
INTERCEPTReturns the y-axis intersection point of a line using x-axis values and y-axis values.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
IPMTReturns the interest payment for an investment.Use the RATE formula to calculate a per period interest rate.
IRRReturns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows.Use the IRR function.
ISBLANKChecks for blank or null values.Use the ISBLANK function.
ISERRChecks for error values except #N/A.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
ISERRORChecks for error values.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
ISLOGICALChecks for a logical value (TRUE or FALSE).There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
ISNAChecks for #N/A error values.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
ISNONTEXTChecks for a value that is not text.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
ISNUMBERChecks for a numeric value.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
ISOWEEKNUMReturns the ISO week number for a date.There is no equivalent Anaplan function. Use the internal time structure in Anaplan.
ISPMTReturns the interest payment for an investment.Use the RATE function to calculate a per period interest rate.
ISREFChecks for a reference.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
ISTEXTChecks for a text value.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.