Comparisons of Microsoft Excel functions to those available in Anaplan.

Use the links below to navigate to pages containing other Microsoft Excel functions.


Excel functionExcel descriptionAnaplan solution
VALUEConverts a text value that represents a number to a number.Use the VALUE formula to convert a numeric value in a text field to a number format.
VARReturns the variance of a population based on a sample of numbers.Use the SELECT and COLLECT formulas with line items to calculate the variance.
VARAReturns the variance of a population based on a sample of numbers, text, and logical values.Use the SELECT and COLLECT formulas with line items to calculate the variance.
VARPReturns the variance of a population based on an entire population of numbers.Use the SELECT and COLLECT formulas with line items to calculate the variance.
VARPAReturns the variance of a population based on an entire population of numbers, text, and logical values.Use the SELECT and COLLECT formulas with line items to calculate the variance.
VDBReturns the depreciation of an asset based on a variable declining balance depreciation method.See the Financial functions.
VLOOKUPPerforms a vertical lookup by searching for a value in the first column in a table, and returning it to the same row in the index_number position.

Use the LOOKUP function to look up an amount from a source module using one or more mappings. Each mapping matches a:

  • List formatted line item
  • Time period formatted item
  • Property from the source with a dimension of the target line item.