Comparisons of Microsoft Excel functions to those available in Anaplan.

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Excel functionExcel descriptionAnaplan solution
MATCHSearches for a value in an array and returns the relative position of that item.

Use the LOOKUP function to look up an amount from a source module using one or more mappings. Each mapping matches a:

  • List-formatted line item
  • Time period-formatted item
  • Property from the source with a dimension of the target line item.
MAXReturns the largest value from the numbers provided.Use the MAX function or MAX aggregation function.
MAXAReturns the largest value from the values provided (numbers, text, and logical values).Use the MAX function.
MDETERMReturns the matrix determinant of an array.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
MDURATIONReturns the modified Macaulay duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100.Use the MDURATION formula.
MEDIANReturns the median of the numbers provided.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
MIDExtracts a substring from a string starting at any position.Use the MID formula to extract a substring from a string starting at any character.
MINReturns the smallest value from the numbers provided.Use the MIN function or MIN aggregation function to return the minimum of selected line items.
MINAReturns the smallest value from the values provided (numbers, text, and logical values).Use the MIN function or MIN aggregation function to return the minimum of selected line items.
MINUTEReturns the minutes (a number from 0 to 59) from a time value.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
MINVERSEReturns the inverse matrix for a given matrix.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation.
MIRRReturns the modified internal rate of return for a series of cash flows.Use the IRR formula.
MMULTReturns the matrix product of two arrays.There is no equivalent Anaplan function, but can be built using a calculation. 
MODReturns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor.Modulus: remainder after dividing a dividend by a divisor.
MONTHReturns the month (a number from 1 to 12) given a date value.Use the MONTH formula to convert a date or a time period to a calendar month as a number.