Dashboard builders add elements to and format elements on dashboards.

Classic dashboards are not supported for new customers. Build Apps or Pages in the User Experience instead.

Use the Dashboard Designer to add and manipulate data on dashboards.

Dashboards are powerful and flexible methods of presenting data. Their main focus is automating and streamlining processes. Successful dashboards have a consistent and intuitive user experience and provide meaningful information and cues for activity. 

Use Contents, to make sure end-users see only modules and dashboards they’ve been given access to. Functional Areas let you organize modules and dashboards into meaningful groups that are easy to navigate.

To make sure that users see only the data you want them to see, assign a user to a role, and give that role access to certain modules and dashboards. 

When you create roles, employ a need-to-know approach to data access. This makes sure that the roles realistically represent the activities of user groups.

Build dashboards that are targeted directly to the requirements of the role. It's better to have three simple dashboards, directed to three different roles, instead of one dashboard that displays data that's inappropriate for some users.

Navigation buttons have implications for data access. For example, when you create navigation buttons on dashboards, even though you may not have access to all dashboards, you can select any dashboard as a target for an Open Dashboard action. Similarly, you might see a small yellow warning triangle when a dashboard tries to display data from a module you don’t have access to. Use Contents to protect against this.