Refresh a dashboard to contact the server and bring the latest data back to the dashboard. A dashboard automatically refreshes when a process is run or an item is added to a numbered list.
Classic dashboards are not supported for new customers. Build Apps or Pages in the User Experience instead.
There are multiple ways to refresh a dashboard. The methods described in this topic provide alternative options for refreshing a dashboard.
The ways in which these alternative methods are implemented will depend on:
- The type of data you’re dealing with.
- The situation in which the dashboard is being used.
- How the target user will interact with the dashboard.
If Synchronize Selection is enabled for dashboard elements that share a dimension, the entire dashboard refreshes when you select a dimension in one of the elements.
This is useful in a context where you select one element to drive another, such as drilling into a hierarchy. The refresh triggered in this method is implicit. There's no obvious refresh option on the dashboard. A refresh is triggered by selecting a shared dimension in either dashboard element.
This method requires that the dimension the two elements have in common is on either a row or column. To apply Synchronise Selection to a dashboard element:
- Choose the data that you want to publish as an element on a dashboard.
- From the View menu, select the relevant Publish … to Dashboard command and choose a dashboard. The menu option you select will depend on the kind of data you’ve chosen to publish.
- Apply Synchronize Selection to the new dashboard element.
- Choose further data from a different module, that contains a dimension shared with the data in the first dashboard element.
- From the View menu, select the relevant Publish … to Dashboard command and publish to the dashboard selected in step 2.
- Apply Synchronize Selection to the dashboard element.
- Arrange the dashboard elements on the dashboard in Dashboard Designer.
- Select the Save and Exit button on the dashboard toolbar.
Use a line item as a button
This is a variation of the previous method. However, the details of the second dashboard element are hidden, leaving a single line item that works as a ‘button’ to refresh the entire dashboard.
This is more useful where users require an explicit refresh option on the dashboard itself. To use a line item as a button:
- Choose the data that you want to publish as an element on a dashboard.
- From the View menu, select the relevant Publish … to Dashboard command, and choose a dashboard.
The menu option you select will depend on the kind of data you have chosen to publish. - Apply Synchronize Selection to the dashboard element.
- Choose further data from a different module, that contains a dimension shared with the data in the first dashboard element. (Another approach is to add a new line item and name it with the label of the button, for example, Refresh Dashboard.)
- Pivot the data to put line items on columns.
- Hide all rows and columns, except the name of the line item shared with the data in the first dashboard element.
- In Column Settings, set the Width for Row Labels to 6 pixels and the width of the remaining line item to a value that accommodates all the characters in the name.
This leaves a single field with the name of the line item emboldened. - From the View menu, select the relevant Publish … to Dashboard command, and publish to the dashboard selected in step 2.
- Apply Synchronize Selection to the dashboard element and deselect Show Module name, Show Label, and Show Page Selector.
- Arrange the dashboard elements on the dashboard in Dashboard Designer and select Save and Exit from the dashboard toolbar.
- Select the ‘button’ (line item) to refresh the dashboard.