You can view a summary of your data in Anaplan Data Orchestrator from the Overview page. Types of data you can view are source data‌, transformation views, and links to Anaplan models. 

To view the Overview page in Data Orchestrator, select Overview from the left-side panel.

The Source data section displays the total number of source datasets created. The section also displays the number of source datasets not used by transformation views.

The Transformation views section displays the total number of transformations views created. The section also displays issues:

  • Not used: Transformation views that aren't linked to models.
  • Missing sources: Transformation views that are missing a source dataset.

The Links section displays the total number of links to Anaplan models. The section also displays these issues:

  • Not fully mapped: Links that aren't fully mapped to a model.
  • Not paired: Links that aren't paired with a model.

The Recent datasets section displays the datasets that were recently created and the types of datasets:

  • Source dataset
  • Transformation view dataset (derived dataset)

The top of the page displays Usage data that shows the percentage of storage and tables used versus their allowance. When 75% of the allowance is reached, the percentage bar turns amber. When 100% of the allowance is reached, the percentage bar turns red.