The VALUE function converts text values that represent numbers to numbers.

For example, you can use VALUE in combination with other functions to remove currency symbols or codes from data and convert the values to numbers.

VALUE(Value to convert)

ArgumentData typeDescription
Value to convertTextThe text value to convert to a number value.

The VALUE function returns a numeric result.

In Polaris, you cannot use the VALUE function with non-decimal representations of numbers (for example, “0x11.11p0”).

In the Classic Engine, you can use non-decimal representations of numbers.

VALUE(Revenue as text)

This example uses the  The VALUE function to convert the Revenue as text line item to a number value.

The VALUE function works only with text values that represent numbers. The value to be converted can contain non-numeric characters if they are:

  • Special numbers such as Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN.
  • A hexadecimal number.
  • Numbers that use scientific notation.
  • Negative numbers that contain the - symbol.

If the Value to convert argument contains any other characters, such as a comma, %, $, or £, the VALUE function returns a value of NaN (not a number).

You can use the VALUE function to return a hexadecimal value as a number. For example, the formula VALUE(“0x11.11p0") returns a number value of 17.07.

The VALUE function also works with special numbers such as Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN.

This example has a list on columns that contains items with descriptive names for the values they contain. On rows, there are two line items:

  • Text value, which contains the text values for the Value to convert argument.
  • Number value, which uses the VALUE function to convert these text values to number values.
    This formula also highlights how the VALUE function interacts with numbers that contain non-numeric characters.

PositiveNegativeDollarSterlingComma separatorsScientific notationHexadecimal
Text value134486.12-134486.12$134486.12£134486.12134,486.123E80x11.11p0

Converted number-formatted values

VALUE('Text-formatted values')


Some functions, such as MID, return a text-formatted result. If these results are numeric, you can use the VALUE function to convert them to number-formatted.

For example, you can use the MID function to extract all characters after the first character. This enables you to remove currency symbols from numbers stored as text. The result can then be used with the VALUE function.

In this example the Revenue as text line item is text, and contains a value for several different currencies. The Revenue as number line item uses the MID and VALUE functions to convert the text that contains a number to numbers.

US DollarsBritish PoundEuroYen
Revenue as text$2348765.38£1674500.96€1945632.29¥257478438.94

Revenue as number

VALUE(MID(Revenue, 2))
