More complex formatting scenarios or grid specific formatting are handled directly on the format sheet. Any of the cells on the format sheet can be formatted directly in Excel, and will then be applied to the appropriate area of the grid when the grid is next refreshed. 

The main body of the grid is contained in C5:I16, and the data cells, column and row member names, and the filter area can all be set directly here.

Alternate Rows Alternate row formatting can be used by setting the dropdown selector in C18 to On and then applying the format required in C18:I18.
Active CellIf a grid has "Track grid's active cell" and "Apply tracking formatting" enabled (set in the grid's Properties > Interaction), the format applied to the active cell is set here.
Writeback Leaf LevelThe grid can display the lowest-level data and members in a specific format where required, by setting E22:28 as required
Conditional FormattingReview Conditional formatting for more information.

Grid Specific Formatting: Where multiple grids exist in a workbook, there may be a requirement to format a slice of data in a specific way in grid A, but not in grid B. To make this grid specific, edit the format sheet and supply the grid name for the proper slice in column B. The example below restricts the blue formatting on the Canada FY 2014 slice to the 'Sales' grid, ‌ the formatting on the United States FY 2015 isn't limited and will be applied on all grids. When using this approach, you must first name the grid, which is done in grid properties, on the appearance tab.

You can also use wildcards in the GridName field. For example, all grids starting with Sales would use this format (grid name would be entered as Sales*).

Review Formatting Grids for more information.

The location of the format sheet file is set in Anaplan XL Options.