You need to have an Azure Blob account to create a new connection to this cloud source.
You need to know your Azure storage account , shared access signature (SAS) token , and container name to proceed.
- Select Connections from the menu.
- Select New connection.
The Connect to a service dialog displays.

- Select Azure Blob from the dropdown.
The dialog box expands below. - Complete the dialog entries:
- Enter a new Connection name. Use a unique name of up to 60 characters that starts and ends with a letter or number. Letters used must be in the Latin alphabet . You can include spaces, hyphens (-), and underscores (_), but no other special characters.
- Enter your Storage account name.
- Enter your SAS token.
- Enter your Container name.
- Click Connect to save your settings for this connection.
Also see: Create SAS tokens for your storage containers .