With CloudWorks™, Integration administrators can import and export model data, to and from the cloud.
Restricted integration users can also run CloudWorks integrations within assigned workspaces.
To use CloudWorks you:
- Must be assigned the Integration Admin or Restricted Integration User role by someone with the Tenant Admin role.
- Need read or write access to models and workspaces associated with your integrations.
- Need permissions:
- Read for import
- Write for export, related to files in your Amazon (AWS) S3 buckets, Google BigQuery tables, and Azure Blob containers.
Note: To build your own integrations with CloudWorks, see the CloudWorks API.
Select CloudWorks from the navigation banner dropdown to begin.

To get started:
- Review the CloudWorks™ guidelines.
- Create a new connection to access your cloud storage service.
- Then you can create a new integration.