You can run an order list action to order a list by line item values in a module.

A workspace administrator must set up an order list action before you can run it. They must also publish it to a dashboard to enable non-workspace administrators to run the action.

Where selective access is enabled for the list, non-workspace administrators must have selective write access to all items in the list. That access can be assigned directly to the list items, or inherited from a higher-level item, such as a top-level item. Non-workspace administrators must also have a model role with access to: The action, list, input module, and the dashboard to which the action is published.

Workspace administrators must have a model role with access to the action, list, and the module the action references, in order to run the action from the Actions pane. To run the action from a dashboard they also need access to the dashboard.

Note: You can only run the Order list action on lists with fewer than 1 million items.

To run an order list action from the Action pane:

  1. Select the action, then select Run in the toolbar.
    A message asks you to confirm you want to run the action.
  2. Select OK.
    Throughout the model, the list orders by the values in the line item the action references.

To run Order List from a dashboard:

  1. Select the Order list action button.
    The workspace administrator who creates the action can choose text for the button label that suits your use case. The label name should follow best practice name conventions to help you identify it.
    A message asks you to confirm that you want to run the action.
  2. Select OK.
    Throughout the model, list orders by the values in the line item the action references