As you create an envelope, there are some guidelines to help you finish your setup.
- If you see any warnings in your envelope table, select Cancel, and make the necessary changes in Anaplan and/or DocuSign. The envelope is then automatically updated. For more information on columns and envelope status, see Tables reference.
- Make sure the Anaplan module view you select for the envelope and workflow have the same:
- Dimensions.
- Lists displayed on rows (in the same order). For example, recipients' names, IDs, numbers, etc.
- Hidden rows (if any)
- Level of hierarchy selected
You will not be able to send the envelope if the views you select do not have the same structure.
When your envelope setup is complete
- You can only send or cancel one envelope at a time. Any Envelopes you send or cancel after that go into a queue until the first send completes.
- You can open the envelope to check the status of each sent document. If one or more documents have a different status than the envelope, this means your recipients have not all signed yet. Check again later or the next day.