The locking of specific slices of data follows the same rules as the standard Anaplan XL formatting ones defined in the XLCubedFormats sheet.
See Formatting Grids for more details.
The examples below illustrate different cell-locking scenarios.
Unlock all the lowest-level accounts
Create a grid report with Date on columns. Navigate to the XLCubedFormats worksheet. Within the Slice highlight (formatting by member or measure) section, select the level-leaf cell for Accounts, right-click, choose Format Cells, select the Protection tab, uncheck Locked, and choose OK.
Select the grid report worksheet. Modify a level-leaf cell. If you attempt to modify a locked cell, a message will appear stating the Writeback cell was locked and the location of the writeback cell.
Please refer to the Level based formatting page for more details.
Lock all the years
Note that you should define a white background for these cells to overwrite the yellow one defined for the leaf accounts.
Navigate to the XLCubedFormats worksheet. Within the Slice highlight (formatting by member or measure) section, right-click, choose Format Cells, select the Protection tab, uncheck Locked, and choose OK for the appropriate Level for the period or date hierarchy.
Seee Level based formatting for more details.
Unlock a specific column or month
Navigate to the XLCubedFormats worksheet. Within the Slice highlight (formatting by member or measure) section, right-click, choose Format Cells, select the Protection tab, uncheck Locked, and choose OK for the specific period or date member.
Lock a specific cell
Navigate to the XLCubedFormats worksheet. Within the Slice highlight (formatting by member or measure) section, right-click, choose Format Cells, select the Protection tab, check Locked, and choose OK for the specific period or date member.
Select the grid report worksheet. Modify a level-leaf cell. If you attempt to modify a locked cell, a message will appear stating the Writeback cell was locked and the location of the writeback cell.