You can access Anaplan functionality from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

The Application menu shows the applications that you can access.

Different options are shown depending on the applications to which you have been granted access, and your Anaplan role:

  • Home
  • Apps
  • My Pages  
  • DocuSign
  • CloudWorks™
  • Administration
  • Modeling showcase

Select the Anaplan logo to return to the Home page.

The name of your current tenant displays in the top right-hand side of the screen.

If you have access to multiple tenants, a dropdown list is displayed.

You can search for models, pages, and apps in your tenant.

  1. Select Search in the top-right corner of the page to open a search query.
  2. Type your search term. The smart search functionality provides live results of models, pages, and apps for you to select from.
  3. Select Models, Pages, or  Apps to filter your results by category.

Workspace notifications are indicated by a red circle with a white dot in the notification icon.

Select Notifications to display a list of notifications.

Help  displays a number of options:

  • Support
  • Community
  • Anapedia
  • Vote for idea
  • Share feedback
  • Join our research program

The user menu icon shows the initials of the user who's currently logged in.

Note: If the initials do not match yours, and you believe this to be in error, log out of the account and log in using your own credentials.

Select the initials to display the user menu:

  • My account displays your profile, where you can edit your account details.
  • Log out.