As a workspace administrator, you can set up a bulk copy action. Bulk copy actions enable you to copy data in bulk from one version, time period, or list item to another.

Only workspace administrators can set up a bulk copy action.

Note: Bulk copy action ignores all access restrictions except for model role access to the action. If you enable the action for all users, this access exception applies to any user with access to the action.

To set up a bulk copy action:

  1. In the Actions tab of the Actions pane, select New Action from the toolbar at the top. 
  2. Select Bulk Copy from the menu.
  3. Enter the button name in the Button text field.
    Follow best practice naming conventions to ensure the action is easy to identify.
  4. In the List dropdown, select the list from which you want copy data.
    Versions and Time display as a lists in addition to general lists. Versions is selected by default.
  5. Optionally, select Enable all users with access to the action to run it.
  6. Select the item you want to copy data from in the Source member field.
  7. Select the item you want to copy data to in the Target member field. 
  8. Select OK.

You can then publish the action to a dashboard or add it to a process