Filters can change what data displays on a grid, worksheet, or board based on conditions you specify.
On pages such as worksheets or boards with grid cards, a filter's persistence and visibility to other users depends on where and how the filter is created. If you create a filter on a grid on a page, the filter persists until the browser cache is cleared, and is specific to your user. Filters created this way aren't visible to other users.
Note: If you want to display data on a grid with a filter that is active for all users, consider using a saved view with a filter. If a saved view includes a filter, then anyone who accesses that view will see the filtered data. This is useful for reports and dashboards where a predefined filter should apply to everyone.
When you filter a column or row, the grid updates to display the data items that match the filter condition. For example, you might want to show only salaries up to a specified sum instead of those for the full workforce.
You can apply filters to all data types. Filter conditions differ depending on the data type in the column or row.
Add a filter
To add a filter to a grid on a worksheet, or a grid card:
Select Filter. This opens the filter pane on the right side of the page.
On the grid, select the column or row you want to filter.
This creates a new filter, at the top of the Filters panel. The title of the column or row is automatically added as the filter title.
Select the condition to be met with the Select condition dropdown.
You can select Add to the right of the condition's value field to combine multiple conditions.
Select Apply.
Note: When you filter a list, you can only select one item as the filter condition. The dropdown list displays the first 50 list items. For lists containing more than 50 items, enter a search term in the list field.
Enable or disable a filter
To enable or disable a filter, select Hide filter or Show filter next to the filter name, then select Apply. An eye icon next to the filter's name indicates its status.
Delete filters
To delete a filter, select Delete filter , then Apply.
To delete all filters and display a grid in its original state, select Remove all filters. Then, in the Remove all filters dialog, select Remove all filters.