My Pages are private pages that any user can create. However, only the user who created the page can view that page, you are unable to share or collaborate on My Pages. To share or collaborate on pages, you must have the page builder role.

You can create pages from both the My Pages area and the app contents. You can also personalize copies of existing pages from the apps you have access to.

If you're a workspace administrator, you can disable My Pages for particular models. When you disable this feature, your model users won't be able to create pages or cards for these models.

Only you can see your My Pages area.

The home screen for My Pages.

My Pages is supported on mobile.

You can create personal pages to suit your needs.

A personal page can be a board or worksheet.

Other users can't access your personal page. If you're a page builder, you can use Convert to an app page in the menu.

Changes to a personal page have no effect on pages that belong to other users.

When you delete an app, you can choose to keep its links to personal pages, in case you want to restore the deleted app.

Personal pages can contain cards.

Card templates enable you to display important information without needing to understand its underlying structure.

You can also configure the data display on cards to present information in an easily-understood way.