The My Pages feature enables you to create personal pages from both your My Pages area and the app contents. You can also personalize copies of existing pages from the apps you have access to.

If you're a workspace administrator, you can disable My Pages for models. If disabled, your model users can't create pages or cards for these models.

Personal pages can be a board or a worksheet. Use boards to display high-level information, and worksheets to display large volumes of data for analysis and editing.

Note: Pivots, Show/Hide, and filters are cleared when the cache is cleared.

Only you can see your My Pages area. However, page builders can convert a personal page into an app. Open your personal page and select Options for this page > Convert to an app page.

Note: My Pages is supported on mobile.

When you delete an app, you can choose to keep its links to personal pages. This allows you to restore the deleted app.

Personal pages contain cards, which you can:

  • Create, based on data from models you've access to.
  • Select from the template library.