Create a read-only or read-write connection to link data from an Anaplan module to a Google worksheet.
When you create a connection, any data the worksheet contains is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. As a result, data in your connections may be located in a different jurisdiction to your Anaplan data.
Model builders create saved views in Anaplan. You can connect to the default view or a saved view.
Each worksheet can contain a single connection to a saved view. However, you can create multiple connections to a single saved view across multiple worksheets.
The limit for the dimension size of imported modules or views is one million items. You cannot create a connection to a module that contains a dimension with more than one million items.
Read-only and read-write connections
When you create a new connection, you can choose to create either a read-only connection or a read-write connection.
Read-only connections enable you to work with your Anaplan data in Google Sheets. However, when you make changes to a read-only connection, it does not update the data in your Anaplan module. You can refresh your connection to update your worksheet with the latest Anaplan data at any time.
Read-write connections enable you to use Send and refresh to update an Anaplan module with changes made in Google Sheets. You can still refresh your data to get the latest Anaplan values.
Note: You can rename your connection at any time. When you create a connection, it's given a unique guid that remains constant.
Clone a connection
You can clone a connection to create a copy of your connection in a new worksheet. You can edit the worksheet of a cloned connection with no impact upon the original connection. Cloned connections retain the same configuration as the original connection.
Warning: If you move a workbook or worksheet from the Google Sheets Add-on to the Excel Add-in, all connections are lost.