You can copy existing current member selections in Member Selector.

In the Edit Hierarchy window, right-click on the member and select Copy. Then, right-click within the selection box and select Paste.

There are now two entries for the United States.

This can be particularly useful in specific situations. For example, if you are creating a series of In-Cell charts that are highly formatted, you can format the first chart, copy the existing member selection, and then update it to point to another member. This would mean all charts would have identical formatting.

Create an In-Cell chart for a member, for example, the United States. To create the same chart for another member, right-click and select Copy and Paste to create another entry.

Select the In-Cell Charts icon to change the member.

You can then pick another member by selecting the dropdown – alternatively, you can point to an Excel range.

Select the member you want to show. Select OK. You can now add a chart for the other member and the United States in the cell by choosing the ellipsis.