You can unassociate a model from a page if you no longer want it to display in the Switch source models drop-down list.

You must have both the workspace administrator and page builder roles and have access to:

  • The page the model is associated with.
  • The model you want to unassociate.

You can only unassociate a model from a page if multiple models are associated with a page.

If you unassociate a model from a page, the next time the user opens the page, the source switches to the first model to which they have access. If the user has no access to the remaining models associated with the page, a message confirms that the page can't be found.

You can associate the model with the page again at any time.

To unassociate a model from a page:

  1. Navigate to Page settings > Source model.
  2. Select the trashcan to the right of the model.
  3. Select Apply.