The XL3SetProperty formula updates the Anaplan XL slicer properties in the workbook. 

RemoveEmptySets the slicer to hide or show members with no data.TRUE or FALSE
VisibleShow or hide the slicer TRUE or FALSE
MultiSelectAllow multi-selection on the slicer, dependant on the slicer type.TRUE or FALSE
HierarchySets the slicer hierarchy. Will move hierarchies as required.Hierarchy name.
HierarchiesOnHeadersSets hierarchies on headers. Will move hierarchies as required.Hierarchy name or names.
MemberSelectionTypeSets the selection type of the members, for example children, parent, descendants etc.See the Member Selection Type section for more details.
EnabledAllows toggling of the whether the slicer is enabled. TRUE or FALSE
OutputRangeSets the output range of the slicer.Text. This must be the text of the range, not a reference to it.
WaitForSubmitOnWebAllows toggling of the whether the slicer requires submitting. TRUE or FALSE