Date Slicers can be based on an Excel range, or direct from SQL. The example below demonstrates how to use a date slicer from an Excel range, but a SQL statement which returns the same result set format can also be used.

To create a date slicer, you will first need two Excel cells to hold the date range. For example create two columns.  One will contain start and end date labels. The second column contains specific dates for the start and end dates.   

Select Anaplan XL > Slicer > Excell...

Select the third option under Slicer Type from the Insert Slicer dialog window.  Select the appropriate Slicer Range to point to your worksheet's start and end dates on the Query tab.

Navigate to the Behaviour tab, select the cell where you wish the slicer selection to be stored. The date selected is displayed as the serial number equivalent so that the user can then choose to format the date as they need.

The date slicer will then be added. The dropdown menu will open a calendar control that can be moved between the start and end dates.

As with any slicer, you can select which value will initially be displayed. 

Selecting the Initial Value as the Default Member for a date slicer gives today's date. This means when the report is first opened, it displays today's data, from which you can navigate using the date slicer.

Review Dimension Slicers for more information.