Model builders can view all changes made to a model in its history.

To view your model history, select History in the model settings bar.

Note: All users can view data changes for single or selected cells. Learn more in Cell history.

If you add, edit, rename, or delete any model elements in the table below, changes are visible in the History dialog. Changes also display if you send and refresh data in Microsoft Office Add-ins.


Currency qualifiers


Functional areas

Import data sources

Import source mappings

CloudWorks integration runs

Line items

Line item subsets


List subsets

List properties



Revision tags


Saved views

Microsoft Office Add-ins

Time settings


Users with a standard email login

CloudWorks user access


Changes display in the following columns:

IDDisplays an ID code for the change.
Date/Time (UTC)Displays the date and time at which the change was made.

Displays the email address of the user who made the change.

Note: If the change is made via the Administration console (such as to add or delete other users), the User cell in the History dialog is empty but the exported history file displays <system user>.

DescriptionDisplays the details of the changes.
Security Change

Displays changes made to an access driver.

Changes display as Yes if you enable or disable an access driver, or apply an access driver to a line item in the Read Access Driver or Write Access Driver columns in Blueprint.

Previous Value

Displays the element name or value before the change, such as a previous value of a cell.

Note: For both model and cell History, previous values don't display in a bulk data change. 

New Value

Displays the element name or value after the change, such as a new list item.

Note: For model History, new values don't display in a bulk data change. To display new values from a bulk data change, you can view cell history

Module/ListDisplays the module or list affected by the change.
Line Item/PropertyDisplays the line item or list property affected by the change. 
ExportDisplays the file name of an export.
ImportDisplays the file name of an import.
DashboardDisplays the dashboard affected by the change. 
Target UserDisplays the email address of the user affected by the change.
TimeDisplays the time period affected by the change.
VersionDisplays the version affected by the change. 

If multiple dimensions are affected by a change, each dimension appears as a new column in the History dialog. For example, if you change the value of a line item in a cell that references lists, each list displays in separate columns.

You can only view the 1,000 latest changes in the History dialog. To see the entire history of changes to the model, select Export to download a full list in plain text format.

A model's history is retained for the lifespan of the model.

The Description column in the History dialog details specific changes to your model. Details display in this column if you add, edit, rename, or delete an element in your model.

For example, Add Line Item or Delete Module.

Other changes to the Description column include:

Bulk data changeDisplays for any large change to cell data. For example, when you import into many cells in a line item.
Bulk data change (add-in)Displays if you use a read/write connection to update data from the Excel Add-in or the Google Sheets Add-on.
Bulk Model ChangeDisplays when there's a change that does not affect the model structure. For example, when single-sign on (SSO) or workspace administrator status changes for a user.
Model change (no details available)

Displays if you change:

  • Model mode
  • Contents
  • Line items in a line item subset
  • Message of the day in Workflow
  • Events in Workflow
Breakback data change affecting [x] cellsDisplays the number of cells affected by Breakback.
Begin sync revisionDisplays when an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) synchronization starts.
Sync revision completedDisplays when an ALM synchronization is complete.
Sync revision unsuccessfulDisplays when an ALM synchronization is unsuccessful.