You can import data from one Anaplan model into another.
You can use one model as a central data hub from which you can import to update multiple other models. This helps maintain consistency across your workspace and can be more efficient than imports to lists or modules from files.
If you need to, you can change the source of a model-to-model import to a different compatible list, module, or saved view.
Types of model-to-model import
You can import from lists, modules, or saved views in a source model, into: lists, module data, line items, Versions, or Users in the target model.
Authentication and workspace access for model-to-model imports
If you log in with your Anaplan username and password, the source model for the import can be in:
- Your current workspace
- Any other workspace to which you have access in the same tenant
If you use Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication, the source model for the import can be in any other workspace assigned to the same SSO server.
User access for model-to-model imports
The read and write access you have to model data is determined by your model role, whether you’re a workspace administrator, and dynamic cell access. You may have different levels of access in different models. This can affect the data you can import and the areas of a module into which you can import. However, in some cases, a model-to-model import ignores user access permissions.
Learn about access constraints in model to model imports.