You can import data from and into a variety of formats. Workspace administrators can manage existing import data sources in the Import Data Sources tab in Actions.

When you import data into Anaplan, it automatically generates an import data source. A single target can have multiple import data sources. This enables you to update a target with data from multiple import sources, although you need to map each time, as import data sources do not include mapping.

The potential data sources for an import are:

The potential targets to import into from the above data sources are:

It's important to give data sources unique names if they might be used as import data sources.

There are several locations where you can create and configure new imports:

Once you've created an import, there are a number of ways you can reconfigure them. You can reconfigure most imports either within the target module itself, or in Actions > Import Data Sources. Alternatively, you can reconfigure model to model imports within Source Models.

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