Production lists are designed to store operational data that changes as end users modify data within production models.

The contents of production lists, and any the values of any associated properties, are part of a model's production data.

If you create a model from a revision tag, any production lists in the new model will be empty.

Production lists might include:

  • Employee names
  • Product names
  • Customer names
  • Project names

End users modify the contents of production lists via dashboards. For example, they might:

  • Enter a new project into a Projects list
  • Change the parent region of a team from East to West
  • Reorder items in a Products list

While you’re designing, building, or updating a development model, you can set lists as production lists. Set lists as production lists gives detailed instructions on how to do this. Because production lists contribute towards your workspace size allowance, consider using reduced versions of production lists in development models. These reduced versions should preserve the hierarchy of the full list. For example, in a Projects list, only include the clients that individual projects roll up to. These reduced lists might be imported from a development version of a data hub.

Note: In a development model, don't apply these settings to a list marked as production data:

When a saved view has these settings applied to a list marked as production data, inconsistent synchronization occurs between the development and production model in ALM.

In test and production models in Deployed mode, Workspace Administrators can access Model Settings > Lists and Roll-ups to make changes to the contents of production lists. The tables in the Structural information reference provide detailed information on what changes are permitted.

Unlike structural information, production data isn't synchronized from one model to another. Instead, it must be imported between models using Model Settings > Source Models.

As described in Formula reference protection for production lists, formulas can't make reference to items in a production list.

If a production list is part of a composite hierarchy, any child lists in the hierarchy will also be set as production lists. Conversely, if you unset a list as a production list, the production list status is removed from all parent lists in the same hierarchy.