We send users activation emails to enable them to activate their Anaplan account. When users need a new activation email, User Administrators can resend the email.

User Administrators can only resend activation emails to users in their tenant, and not to visiting users.

For each user, you can only send three activation emails per day. If you exceed three activation email requests, you must wait 24 hours to resend the email.

To resend an activation email:

  1. Select Administration from the top-left dropdown menu.
  2. Select Users > Internal in the left-side panel.
  3. Find the user in the list.
  4. Select the ellipsis that displays to the right of the user row.
  5. Select Resend activation email.

You might see an error message when you resend the activation email. If the message says:

  • The user is already activated, then the process is complete.
  • The user is disabled, then you must enable the user and then resend the activation email.
  • You reached the activation email limit, then wait 24 hours to resend the email.